Does this video show Jim Carrey impersonating Jack Nicholson?
Claim: The video shows Jim Carrey impersonating Jack Nicholson in a scene from “The Shining.”
The claim was sent to Teyit by a reader and widely shared on social media. The clip shows Jim Carrey and Jack Nicholson side by side, with captions praising Carrey’s performance as being identical to Nicholson’s.
The video was shared more than 3,000 times on Twitter and was liked more than 20,000 times. However, the video is not real.
The video is an example of a deepfake video.
The video circulating online has a watermark on the bottom right of Carrey’s video: Ctrl Shift Face. This is the name of a YouTube channel that has numerous videos of celebrities’ faces fabricated on other bodies.
The description of the YouTube channel says: “Windows to parallel universes. I’m creating entertaining deepfake videos. Do not believe everything that you see on the internet ok?” The Carrey video may be found on the channel. It is evident that the video is a part of the four-part series called “The Shining Starring Jim Carrey”
The channel shares not only edited clips from “The Shining” but also clips from The Fight Club, The Office, Terminator 2 and many other hit movies and TV shows. All clips found on the channel have a deepfake element, using an actor’s face on a different body.
In addition, Ctrl Shift Face has a Patron page stating that they create deepfake images for fun and ask for donations to continue their work, providing further evidence that the videos posted on their channel are fabricated.
What are deepfake videos?
According to an article in Forbes, deepfakes were publicized by a Reddit user in 2017. Celebrities’ faces were put on other bodies with the help of machine learning technology. However, an article posted by The Next Web states that deepfake technology was first used was in 2015 during one of the Fast and Furious movies. After the actor Paul Walker died during the filming of the seventh movie in the series, the decision was made to use Walker’s brother as a body double, recreating Paul Walker’s face on his brother’s body.
To learn more about deepfakes, see Teyit’s video on the subject.
In conclusion, the claim that Jim Carrey recreated a scene from “The Shining” is not true. The video was created by the YouTube channel Ctr Shift Face and was created by using the deepfake technology.
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